Mini World: CREATA Wiki

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the 2 column main page layout */
/* Front Page column height equalization *
// Author:  Shawn Bruckner
// Date:    2015-Feb-12
// License: CC-BY 3.0
// Version: beta

var fp = fp || {
  equalizeColumns : function() {
    $( '.fpcontent' ).each( function () {
      fp.resetSectionBoxHeights( $( this ).find( '#fptopsection, #fpflexsection, #fpbottomsection' ) );
    } );
    var excludeSel = '';
    if ( $( window ).width() > 1539 ) {
      excludeSel = '.fpmaybercol'; // at this width, it's necessary to hit those boxes in a separate pass after .fpcontent
    if ( $( window ).width() > 889 ) {
      fp.equalizeColumnsOfBlock( '.fpcontent',
                                 '#fptopsection, #fpbottomsection',
    if ( $( window ).width() > 1539 ) {
      fp.equalizeColumnsOfBlock( '.fpmaybecols',

  equalizeColumnsOfBlock : function( blockSel, leftSel, leftBottomSel, rightSel, rightBottomSel, excludeSel ) {
    $( blockSel ).each( function ( index ) {
      var tryCount = 0;
      do {
        var leftBottom = $( this ).find( leftBottomSel ).offset().top + $( this ).find( leftBottomSel ).height();
        var rightBottom = $( this ).find( rightBottomSel ).offset().top + $( this ).find( rightBottomSel ).height();

        var difference = Math.round( Math.abs( rightBottom - leftBottom ) );
        if ( leftBottom < rightBottom ) {
          fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( leftSel ).not( excludeSel ) );
        } else if ( rightBottom < leftBottom ) {
          fp.adjustSectionBoxHeights( difference, $( this ).find( rightSel ).not( excludeSel ) );
      } while ( Math.round( leftBottom ) != Math.round( rightBottom ) && tryCount < 4 );
    } );

  resetSectionBoxHeights : function ( sections ) {
    sections.each( function () {
      $( this ).find( '.fpbox' ).each( function () {
        $( this ).height( 'auto' );
      } );
    } );

  adjustSectionBoxHeights : function ( heightToAdd, sections ) {
    var boxCount = 0;
    sections.each( function() {
      boxCount += $( this ).find( '.fpbox' ).length;
    } );

    var avgHeightToAdd = heightToAdd / boxCount;
    var decimalPortion = 0.0;
    var boxes, heightToAdd;
    sections.each( function() {
      boxes = $( this ).find( '.fpbox' );

      boxes.each( function() {
        heightToAdd = Math.round( decimalPortion + avgHeightToAdd ); /* should iron out rounding error */
        decimalPortion += avgHeightToAdd - heightToAdd;
        $( this ).height( $( this ).height() + heightToAdd );
      } );
    } );

$( document ).ready( fp.equalizeColumns );
$( window ).resize( fp.equalizeColumns );
/* End Front Page column height equalization *

( function() {
'use strict';

/* Variables for interface text used throughout the script, for ease of translating */
var i18n = {

	// File upload
	defaultLicense: 'Copyright game'
} );

// Change the side rail variable data
var root = document.querySelector(':root');'--theme-page-background-color--secondary', '#282828');'--theme-link-color--hover', '#46799c');

// Back To Top Button
function hideFade () {
	// hide #backtotop first
	$("#backtotop").hide ();
	// fade in #backtotop
	$(function() {
		$(window).scroll(function() {
			if ($( this ).scrollTop() > ButtonStart) {
			} else {
function goToTop(){
	// scroll body to 0px on click
	$('body,html').animate ({
		scrollTop: 0
	}, ScrollSpeed);
	return false;
function addBackToTop() {
	if(skin == 'fandomdesktop') {
		$('<div id="backtotop" onClick="goToTop();"><div style="background: rgb(0, 31, 34);color: rgb(255, 255, 255);right: 25px;bottom: 40px;"><svg data-id="wds-icons-menu-control" height="24" width="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="wds-icon" xmlns=""><use xlink:href="#wds-icons-menu-control"><svg id="wds-icons-menu-control" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M12 19a.997.997 0 0 1-.707-.293l-11-11a.999.999 0 1 1 1.414-1.414L12 16.586 22.293 6.293a.999.999 0 1 1 1.414 1.414l-11 11A.997.997 0 0 1 12 19"></path></svg></use></svg></div></div>').appendTo(document.body);	
var ButtonStart = 600;
var ScrollSpeed = 600;
if(!window.BackToTop ) {
	$(document).ready(function () {
var BackToTop = true; // prevent duplication